Ambassador to Beauty - Rajeesh Navarathna
Appointed by his Carjackastan monarch as ambassador to Beauty, Sir Raj has been a loyal and valued member of the community for years.  With his girl, jira, he has worked tirelessly to further the missions and goals of Beauty's Kingdom and its people.  May our rapport go forever into the future, Ambassador.

Captain of the Guard - Ky Takao
Captain Ky Takao, retired naval captain, has graciously taken the post of Captain of the Guard for Beauty's Kingdom.  With a clever mind and a strong hand, he will do well in returning wayward tributes to the straight and narrow, as well as keeping tabs on the more errant nobles.  Thank you for your service, and may it be long and prosperous.

Tavern Master/Innkeeper - Loxley Resident
We welcome back Master Loxley to the position of Tavern Master of The Swan, Beauty's Kingdom's one and only watering hole.  How exactly does one explain Master Loxley?  Perhaps Gunter Grass said it best, "You are vain and a genius should be."  Welcome back, Loxley.  May your ale pour properly foamed, your paddling hand stay strong, and your sex stay at the ready.  Watch out Beauty, the Tavern Master is Back!

Blacksmith - Garret Morgath
Please join us in welcoming Sir Garret Morgath to Beauty's Kingdom as our new Blacksmith.  A simple man, he works hard and plays hard.  As they say, "The reason good men are hard to find is because they're usually busy working."  Well, he is often busy in the smithy....or the bath....or the tavern.....Come say hello, and see why a hard working man is so very, very good to find.   

Tavern Wench - Rowan McMahn
Let us welcome the lovely Rowan McMahn back to Beauty's Kingdom as the Tavern Wench, serving guests who stop into The Swan for either a drink or a room.  She will definitely have her hands full.  Between the entitled Nobles and the grabby devilish Tavern Master, she should never have a dull moment!  Pour fast and pour hard, lovely Rowan.  Welcome back!  

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